Friday, September 7, 2007

Environment friendly Dhaba

A menu card i chanced upon on my way from Hampi to Bangalore.... This is not the first time i've come across such funny menu cards, but never bothered to capture them in pictures... from now on.. YES !!!!

Well the snap is not that good as taken from a cell, but if possible strain and see the red circle, and also check the different spelling for snacks!


Sneha said...

Yes SNAK is spelled absolutely right ;)
Could not see the red marked thing. Tried to make a lot. what I understood was "peace" instead of "Peas".. Is that ?

silverine said...

Our Independence Day menu had 'Peace Pulao'. How appropriate I thought :)

Have you ever told an auto driver to turn right? Chances are he will go straight because they pronounce straight as "Striite" (rhymes with 'right')