Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Hot Coffee .. Anyone ?

Simple office conversations that I overhear sitting at my cubicle or ones that someone gossip about at coffee junction are so hilarious.

The story goes in one office that there is this IT manager whom we shall call 'R' and he has some open positions in his team that are not getting filled for a looooong time, and he is OH SO! Pissed off with the HR female whom we shall call 'P'... and I have this story first-hand from ‘P’;

Scene I; Act I :-) R has walked into the HR work area to complain about 'P to her manager, all fretting and fuming...

R: It has been so many days since I raised the resource request, but I still have no CV's to process; how do you expect me to work like this

HR Manager: Take it easy Buddy, you know how it works; It is a hot skill that you are asking for. It takes time for us to source such CV's

R: I don’t know; I have to escalate this to Head of HR now, only that will get me some results I guess. It’s useless talking the same thing to 'P' again and again

P: Why are you getting so mad on me; I am doing my best, you have no clarity on the role you want, and you keep changing it yourself.

R: You don’t tell me what I know or not, learn to accept your mistakes

P: OKAY!!!!! 'R' Chill... I will do my best to close your position soon; Come.. Cool down and let’s go have some hot coffee

R: 'P'... I have come here all hot for you, and you want me to drink HOT coffee and become Hotter on you? I will be difficult to handle belive me!!!

P: #%^$&$%@#$

Me.........giggling since I listened to this :-)

1 comment:

Sneha said...

Hmm tera saath huwa tha.. woh experience kya ????