Monday, November 17, 2008

We Are Growing !!!!

Couple of years ago when i had joined this organization I was somewhere in 500-540th Employee range. so you see clearly this organization has grown in front of me and honestly i have grown with the organization too ! I was 58 Kilos when i came from bombay and today i am a frightening 74 Kgs. Now tell me aint that good growth ?? I have witnessesed some drastic changes in the landscape, in people, in office, in everywhere.

Way back everything was in abundance, now everything is scarce and percious.

People travelled to UK, Europe at the drop of a hat and now people who even dream about travelling are dropped.

The cubicles were luxury! with each one having only 4 geeks. Somewhere down the line they squeezed in a 5th one, and when we kept travelling down the same line, one fine Monday morning we realized that over the weekend they had shrunk the cubicle size and added two more seats adjoining to every cubcile. Now the work area more or less resembles a Bombay local train, where there is always place for one more. Ya Kinda makes me feel at home too.

Gone are the days when we dined like Kings. Now after standing in a mile long queue for getting the coupon, you see the other queue already building up for the biryani or the roti-curry, and finally when your turn comes up the Rotis are over.
Typical conversations at the food court....

ABC : You see that guy in the black shirt there he got promoted last week.
XYZ : Ya ?? Look he has got a spoon too today, Man life is so unfair. some guys have all the luck! Promotions, Spoons everything. Its been 4 days now, i have been eating my biryani with bare hands. Its Ok if i dont get promotions but i surely deserve a spoon for all my efforts right?

Scheduling a meeting and getting a meeting room was as simple as 123. Now i hear, there is some underground black martketeering going on. You need to know people in the right places if you have to have the luxury of a meeting room. Else the sofa at the lobby or the terrace. If Rumours are to be belived, They are going to start the same booking system that we have for Meeting rooms for toilets as well.

ABC: Can you come over to my desk at 4 PM today for a quick overview of the new project?
XYZ:Let me check my calendar please. Oh ! sorry no, I have a toilet break booked for 4 PM.
ABC: Cant you hold on till 430 or something, This will not take more than 30 mins.
XYZ: Cant you hold on for 10-15 mins, I will finish and be there by 415. I was not able to able to book any room for the morning as well and i just cannot miss this one. Hope you get what i mean.
ABC: Ya, Ya.. Tough times man... See you at 415.

Yes We are 3000 Strong today! And i loved every moment of being a part of this!


Imp's Mom said...

tough times :P

when the going gets tough the though get going!

Anonymous said...

Some Light on the Inside Story. ;-)

eyememyself said...

LOL.. Booking toilets was hilarious! Considering the cost cutting measures companies are taking, woh din bhi door nahin jab toilet book karna padega.

Pranjal said...

Nice post! Great way to announce your growth :P!

Usha said...

well the way things are headed, almost every IT based MNC in India is gonna be on that track!
450 to 3000? wow! how long've u been there?

well, if you ask me, its the other way round.. every 2 quarters down the lane, the count kinda decreases.. eerie! :| n the bad news is that, my weight-rate isn't proportional to it! :(

Unknown said...

I agree,if you stay in a firm for a long time you get to witness a lot of changes.I'm sure our senior citizens have witnessed a lot from politics till sensor based flush toilets(so far) !!!!!

S.. Diva said...

that guy got a promotion and a spoon!
i spotted a schooldays topper while traveling in the volvo bus. just happened to think: we are both on the same bus, but she got good marks and a seat too, while i lost on both :-(

Sneha said...

Ha ha .. Hilarious ....U too good to express this !!

Congratulations on gorwing !! Good that I came off else I would have grown there as well ..imagine ...sheesh