Monday, January 21, 2008

Office Home Office...

A transport strike has made me "Work from home" today, a nice thingy this "Work from home". Lets you blog, See movies, listen to your favorite songs, Sync your Ipod, read a book and work too :-)

Btw, i just noticed that TV is at its boring peak when i am at home! My worldspace refuses to receive signals, the power goes for 2 hours! And work from home is supposed to be fun ?

Its been ages since i read a book, so am starting with Napolean - The definitive Biography today.

Also, some totally unknown person has mailed me with a "TAG" the semi-literate me had no clue what a TAG in the blog world is, since i have ample time today, googled it up and my next post should be about that TAG. I just wish i knew who that person is, the profile is not for display it says !!

Btw, this post is a forced post :-) had promised myself i will write, so scribbled up something. Content or No.... Its my Space anyway :-)


Jyoti said...

Working from home has its advantages, I work from home too..

Will wait for ur TAG post...googling it gave me too much info and very little time to really understand it.

Nice look btw :)

WriterLady said...

yeah agree with is so much easier on the eye :P
so u back in blre im guessing....y is it tat i am part of the only co which didnt get affected by the strike and works most holidays?? :)

Epiphany said...

Got here from Sandy's blog (
... I agree "working" from home is the best thing to happen to work!! :)