Saturday, October 25, 2008

Just Books - 3

Finished The Secret - Rhonda Byrne.

I first came across this title on Pranjal's Blog and wanted to pick this up ever since. I guess the "Secret" was working for me even before i knew what it is and i started reading this book. One of the core message in this book is that Thoughts becomes Things and it was proved when i just asked a guy in office if he has heard about this book and turned out that he did and also agreed to lend it to me. There the secret worked just like that ! I hope it works forever !

Picked up Carnage By Angels - Y.P.Singh.


Anonymous said...

I'm gonna buy the book

eyememyself said...

Yes it works:) Good to know you think the same too.

RS said...

Is it really good? I've been thinking and thinking of buying-but wanted an opinion first...

Oh! I've tagged you for a very easy one now... :-)

Imp's Mom said...

i am so buying this book! Oh from the previous comment u r tagged again:P